Tag Archive for writing

Creating Vivid Characters Podcast

Adventures in Scifi Publishing captured and posted a podcast of the panel at Chicago Worldcon 2012.

Vivid Character Building
How do you create vivid characters who pop off the page? How do you avoid archetypes/stereotypes and predictability? Join a panel of writers discussing their techniques and tricks and ask questions of your own.
Carol BergTeresa Frohock, Randy Henderson, Kay KenyonBryan Thomas Schmidt

Listening to it, you can tell I was running on caffeine and more caffeine by this point in the con, but all the panelists were great, and there’s some useful tips and info on creating characters.



Living the Dream – I Sold My Novel

I sold my Finn Fancy Necromancy series to Tor.
Beth Meacham is my editor. Cameron McClure is my agent. And OH MY GOD OH MY GOD is my brain.

In a little over a year, I will be able to walk into book stores and see my book on the Fantasy and Science Fiction shelf.  It’s fraking amazing, and unbelievable, and pretty much anything that happens after this point is pure icing.

Thanks to everyone who helped me reach this point.


Get Your Fae On with Penumbra September Issue

The September Issue of Penumbra Magazine featuring some great Fae stories (including my story “The Beloved Changeling who was Neither”) is now for sale: http://penumbra.musapublishing.com/

Penumbra eZine


How to Be a Happy Writer

My post on How to Be a Happy Writer is up on the SFWA Blog.  Much of it can be applied to life in general, I think.





My White Male Writer Manifesto

I could bemoan the injustice of the Trayvon Martin case, but just as easy as it is to blast off a post or tweet saying “I am ashamed of the US legal system” or snark on how easy it is NOT to shoot someone, it is equally as easy for everyone to ignore or quickly forget that — and anyone who doesn’t already agree with it anyway certainly won’t be changed.


But here’s what I as a white male can do to work towards a future where all people are treated equally, and truly have equal protection, opportunity, and access to power.

Read more


Occupy Writing: Art Book Covers

Art Book Cover with Story

I’m starting Occupy Writing.
First Item: Novels have art on the cover. Why don’t art books have flash fiction on the cover?! UNFAIR!

I’m talking a nice, white cover with black print, featuring an original short story intended to sum up the entirety of the artwork within, yet oddly is always titled something like “Sexy Tattooed Woman with a Weapon Battles Dragon” or similar?


Let’s make this happen folks!


My Totally Awesome WorldCon / Chicon 7 Schedule

If you’re going to be at Worldcon 2012/ Chicon 7 in Chicago, I hope you’ll drop by, bask in my radiance and wisdom (or at least the delicious scent of my new shampoo), and share a few laughs with me.

FRIDAY Aug 31:

4:30:pm – 5:00:pm READING: FINN FANCY NECROMANCY PANTS by Randy Henderson

It’s Dresden Files meets Arrested Development with an 80’s flavor.  There will be totally awesome 80’s door prizes given away.

In the Dusable room.



The Goonies look on in amazement as Randy reads from his novel


10:30:am- 11:00:am WRITER UNDER GLASS: I’ll be sitting in the Fan Lounge for 30 minutes writing part of a collaborative story as part of an ongoing stunt.  Whatever I write will be displayed on a monitor for all to see.

In the Fan Lounge.



How do you create vivid characters who pop off the page? How do you avoid archetypes/stereotypes and predictability? Join a panel of writers discussing their techniques and tricks and ask questions of your own.

Bryan Thomas Schmidt Carol Berg Kay Kenyon Randy Henderson Teresa Frohock

In the Columbus CD room.



12:00:pm- 1:30:pm  KAFFEEKLATSCHE: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO BE A PUBLISHED WRITER with Randy Henderson.  I’ll be running through my workshop presentation “Evolution of a Writer in Six Stages”, offering exercises, answering questions, and chatting about whatever you want to chat about.

In Kaffeeklatsche 3



Locus Award Weekend

Randy with William F Nolan and Connie Willis at Locus Awards 2012

Had a great weekend. Attended the Locus Awards,  got to meet William F. Nolan (author of Logan’s Run) and make jokes with the amazing Connie Willis.  And yes, I did stroke Nolan’s flocked shirt.  Now, fight that urge to insert the obvious joke about being flocked and “lei’d”.  I know you can do it.

And of course I got to hang out with many amazing writer friends old and new, as well as meet the Clarion West class of 2012 before their brains turn to mush (for baseline comparison in the coming weeks).




Should You Submit, Quit, or Self-Publish It?

Self Publication - it isn't just for real writers!

The way to become a published writer is to write (and to submit what you write).  Seems obvious, yet so many would-be writers produce that one story or novel and then rework it endlessly, or submit a story or three, get rejected once (or a hundred times), and decide to give up.

Ira Glass does a wonderful job of explaining the reasons we creative types set out to create our particular art, and why so many become disappointed and quit: http://writerunderground.com/2011/04/28/ira-glass-on-creativity-or-the-gap-between-our-taste-and-our-work/

I would add for writers specifically that the writers who are published are the ones who continued to write NEW stories, and submit those stories, and move past the rejections, until they were published.

Of course, today we have a wonderful short cut — self-publication!

I have repeatedly been asked for advice from writers who have written one story, or been rejected a few times, wanting to know how to proceed, how to become published.  And sometimes as part of my response I make the mistake of mentioning self-publication as a possible future option.

Don’t get me wrong, self-publication is a very valid alternative IF your writing is worth reading, and IF you believe you have what it takes to stand out from the sea of other self-published works.

But too often, the would be writer latches onto that option as the answer, because the rest of my advice — to write and submit and be rejected until you are good enough to actually be published — requires work, and a lot of rejection, and letting many of your stories die an anonymous and unnoticed death.

And often the amateur writer believes their writing to be perfectly wonderful and worthy of being read.  Unfortunately, it is hard to be objective about one’s own work.  I certainly see how bad my early stories are now, though at the time I thought they were completely awesome.  I would have self-published them if I’d had the option.  And now I am so glad I did not, that they were rejected and I was driven to try again, to try harder, to do better.

So please, if you want to be a writer, then write, and submit, and keep doing that until you are good enough that somebody other than yourself and your mother thinks it is ready for the world to read.  Persevere, and become a good writer, not just a “wroter” (someone who wrote that one thing and just keeps reworking that same one thing), or a self-published amateur, and someday you will have something published that is worthy of being read.


Totally Awesome Reading and Prizes at Norwescon Friday April 6 at 5pm

Please come check out my reading at Norwescon on
Friday, April 6th at 5pm (Cascade 1 room).


The Goonies look on in amazement as Randy reads from his novel

I will be reading from my current novel project, a humorous urban fantasy currently titled “The Family Wizness” — it’s like Dresden Files meets Arrested Development.  It is amazingly twice as awesome as it sounds, and at half the calories!


Pee Wee DollBecause my novel includes a number of 80’s references and jokes, I will also be giving away a bunch of little prizes, bits of genuine, made in the 80’s nostalgia and cheesiness.  I’m really happy with the  items I managed to find and it will be hard for me to let this stuff go.  So I hope you come and join the fun.


