Tag Archive for publishing

Why I am Not Paneling at Norwescon This Year

Norwescon is awesome.  Let’s just make that clear right up front.  This is not about them.  I was invited to be a panelist this year and I politely declined for “me” reasons.  I want to talk about those, I guess in case it is helpful for others.

I have been blessed to participate in Norwescon for a number of years.  And every time, it has been a joy and an honor.  I do not view it primarily as a promotional opportunity (though I do not ignore that benefit).  I also do not view it as some earned and expected acknowledgment of my status as a published author, because that is not what it should be (and because I began paneling before I was professionally published).

So why am I not participating this year? 

I guess first because of Imposter Syndrome, and a bunch of deeper weird feelings I am working through and will probably write posts about someday, that comes in part from being “Between books.” 

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Usual Path to Publication

Want to know how to get published?  Well, there’s lots of ways, actually 🙂

And writer/ editor Shannon Page has put together a pretty neat collection of essays called The Usual Path to Publication by 27 published authors (including yours truly) on HOW they got published.  Check it out!

And for some additional fact-dense and flow-charty info on publishing options, you can also see my post on How to Become a Novelist (Part 2): Publish a Novel

The Usual Path to Publication cover image



Book View Café


