I am excited to be playing in an “actual play” DnD livestream on GenCon’s Twitch channel as a member of the Dungeon Scrawlers!

Our group is called The Dungeon Scrawlers because we are a group of professional fantasy authors, and DnD game and novel writers.
A lot of my time the past couple of months was happily consumed by learning to create images (like the ones here) in Photoshop, as well as building out our website and Social Media presence etcetera. All good skills to hone in general, and it scratched that creative itch at the same time.

I hope you’ll check out www.dungeonscrawlers.com to see info on the players, the characters, NPCs, setting and more!
And of course I hope folks will tune into the live show, currently on twitch.tv/gencontv every Wednesday at 6:30PM PST!

I am currently playing a Dwarf Cleric named Rogar Battlebairn.
Having never played a dwarf nor a cleric before, it has been fun digging into the lore and history around them, and coming up with a character background that I hope will be both entertaining, and provide lots of opportunity for some rich character arcs.
And now, I hope to turn the bulk of my focus back to my fiction (in between the games). 🙂