What’s My American Culture and Traditions?

Today is St. Patrick’s day.  I have Irish ancestry (as well as French and German), but my cultural upbringing has been Working Class White American* Consumer.  So what does that mean for me today?

First, let me offer you this list of Irish authors to read: https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/irish-authors

Now let me wax contemplative:

Given that I have not participated in or promoted Irish politics, culture or progress, I have not learned Gaelic or Irish step dancing or Irish cooking or anything else decidedly Irish, I’d feel like a bit of a fraud “celebrating” my Irish ancestry today. Yet, it makes me wonder, as holidays frequently do, what are MY cultural traditions and heritage as an American?

Traditions are meant to give us a sense of belonging, of kinship, of continuity in a constantly changing world. They give us something to look forward to, and shining moments to remember.

But in America, land of independence, of life in the fast lane and disposable instant trends, where our home-grown holidays are just a chance to have a day off and usually to party, what traditions long survive the American nuclear family as it grows and splits into individual units?  What are the deeper cultural values and traditions we share?  

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Creating Vivid Characters Podcast

Adventures in Scifi Publishing captured and posted a podcast of the panel at Chicago Worldcon 2012.

Vivid Character Building
How do you create vivid characters who pop off the page? How do you avoid archetypes/stereotypes and predictability? Join a panel of writers discussing their techniques and tricks and ask questions of your own.
Carol BergTeresa Frohock, Randy Henderson, Kay KenyonBryan Thomas Schmidt

Listening to it, you can tell I was running on caffeine and more caffeine by this point in the con, but all the panelists were great, and there’s some useful tips and info on creating characters.



Living the Dream – I Sold My Novel

I sold my Finn Fancy Necromancy series to Tor.
Beth Meacham is my editor. Cameron McClure is my agent. And OH MY GOD OH MY GOD is my brain.

In a little over a year, I will be able to walk into book stores and see my book on the Fantasy and Science Fiction shelf.  It’s fraking amazing, and unbelievable, and pretty much anything that happens after this point is pure icing.

Thanks to everyone who helped me reach this point.


Get Your Fae On with Penumbra September Issue

The September Issue of Penumbra Magazine featuring some great Fae stories (including my story “The Beloved Changeling who was Neither”) is now for sale: http://penumbra.musapublishing.com/

Penumbra eZine


How to Be a Happy Writer

My post on How to Be a Happy Writer is up on the SFWA Blog.  Much of it can be applied to life in general, I think.





Happy August Day!

Happy August Day!  Don’t forget to dress like Caesar Augustus and sacrifice a bull to Mithras!  Wait, that is a thing on August Day, isn’t it?  If not, it should be.  And then it would evolve into sacrificing all bull, meaning you cannot tell a lie on August day.  Then that would drive a whole slew of greeting cards with lies in them you can hand out instead of speaking lies and to make a joke by it really being true (You look great!).  And then Christianity would co-opt it and declare August 1st the day that Peter denied Christ and therefore no lie shall be told on Peter’s Day.  And …anyway, happy August day!



My White Male Writer Manifesto

I could bemoan the injustice of the Trayvon Martin case, but just as easy as it is to blast off a post or tweet saying “I am ashamed of the US legal system” or snark on how easy it is NOT to shoot someone, it is equally as easy for everyone to ignore or quickly forget that — and anyone who doesn’t already agree with it anyway certainly won’t be changed.


But here’s what I as a white male can do to work towards a future where all people are treated equally, and truly have equal protection, opportunity, and access to power.

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My Neil Gaiman Chat

Spoke to Neil Gaiman at the party last night, and since I knew that there were plenty of folks who would love the chance to do so, I felt a responsibility to ask him a very important question that I’m sure most of his fans would like answered. So:
Me: “Since the 80’s sound is popular right now, do you think Duran Duran has a good chance for another comeback?”
Neil: “I hope so. I still own the rights to that book, so if they did, I’d have a chance at real success.”
There you go. You’re welcome.
Also, it was awesome to see many online writer friends in person, and of course to hang with all my Clarion West family old and new.


Occupy Writing: Art Book Covers

Art Book Cover with Story

I’m starting Occupy Writing.
First Item: Novels have art on the cover. Why don’t art books have flash fiction on the cover?! UNFAIR!

I’m talking a nice, white cover with black print, featuring an original short story intended to sum up the entirety of the artwork within, yet oddly is always titled something like “Sexy Tattooed Woman with a Weapon Battles Dragon” or similar?


Let’s make this happen folks!


My Clarion West Write-A-Thon 2013 Pitch

I am participating in the Clarion West Write-a-Thon. You must give them your spare change by clicking Donate on my page. Here is why:
1) I have a Procrastination Ray and I’m not afraid to point it at George RR Martin if my demands are not met.
pee-wee doll2) I will send a picture of me shirtless kissing a creepy (and oddly stained) Pee Wee Herman doll to my highest bidder. This is not because I think I’m all that. It is because such blackmail material will only increase in value over time as I achieve fame and fortune, making this a wiser economic investment than stocks or real estate.
3) For my second-highest bidder, I will name an annoying little dog character after anyone you wish.

4) Oh yeah, and it helps to fund one of the best dang writing workshops out there. Your money will help to launch the careers of future fantasy, scifi and horror writers so that you are not stuck choosing between warmed over Twilight fan fiction or historical figures battling Disney-fied monsters.
