Magical Money

My first thought when I saw the back of the new penny was “Cool! This could be made into a shield charm!” And then I acted out deflecting spells, complete with “Piew! Piew!” sound effects.

Why, yes, I am a fantasy fiction writer.  Why do you ask?


Northern Cities Prosper Under Global Warming

Yay for Seattle.  We should do okay as global warming opens up northern resources and trade routes, even if Pioneer Square will probably be underwater.  In other news, we will require anyone fleeing Arizona’s desertification or Florida’s swampy plagues to present papers upon demand.  Go back south where you belong and stop drinking our cool refreshing water!


Genre-Related Theme Park Disasters

My piece on genre-related theme park

disasters is up at Fantasy Magazine. Also, apparently a reader HATES the word “sensawunda.” Please leave a comment with your thoughts on “sensawunda” (or my article) at:


CWW Mid-Point Update: A Centaur, a Dwarf and a Stepladder

So we have passed the mid-point on the Clarion West write-a-thon and here’s where I’m at:

Finished draft of Short Story 1.

Thought up, worked out and started Short Story 2.

Also wrote a non-fiction piece for Fantasy Magazine and made some really good progress on my YA novel at the same time, so bonus!

Short Story 2 is a fantasy story that was inspired by a dream in which I was describing a story — in the dream, I described a female centaur that wakes up next to a dwarf, and sees a step ladder next to the bed, and says, “Oh gods, what did I do last night?”  Suffice to say, I did not go in the obvious direction that suggested, but when I started asking why she was in that situation it did inspire a centaur story.

I’ll post an excerpt once I have one worth posting.


Augmented Reality: Now You Too Can See Like a Cyborg

Want to learn about the dangers and the potential of Augmented Reality, the hot new technology that will transform your life?  Of course you do.

So head on over to Fantasy Magazine where my latest non-fiction piece on this very topic has been published:


Clarion West Write-a-thon: Week 1

I made good progress on short story numero uno, a near-future scifi story “Shall I Die, Oh My Daughter, Shall I Die?”

Words so far: 3,359.  I’m happy with that. keeping in mind that I am also working on my YA novel at the same time and this was the Locus Awards/ workshop weekend.

If you haven’t already, please sponsor me (and therefore Clarion West) by going to:

Here’s excerpts that should give you the flavor of the story without giving anything away:


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Is it Science Fiction or Science Fantasy?

My definitive answer to which the world shall henceforth adhere is now up at Fantasy Magazine:


Clarion West Write-a-thon

I’m participating in the Clarion West write-a-thon this year. Basically, I commit to produce a certain amount of writing during the 6 weeks that CW is running, and people can donate money to the workshop in my name. I’ve also added a small bonus prize (see the site).

This is my shameless request that you go to the site and sponsor me to support this incredible boot camp for future speculative fiction writers – even $5 would be awesome.


Which Movies They Should (and Really Shouldn’t) Remake in 3D

My article on which movies they should (and really shouldn’t) remake in 3D is up at Fantasy Magazine:


What Xbox Achievements Really Mean

I love gaming.  And as part of gaming on the Xbox, you gain Achievement Points for things like finishing the game, or completing in-game tasks.  The idea behind Achievements is that they show your relative skill and accomplishments at the video games you have played.

Unfortunately, Xbox Achievements have a number of issues that make them not only useless, but actually a bad thing in some cases.

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