I think this counts as my first fan art! Heather Seevers of NW Handspun Yarns knitted a Finn Fancy gnome hat! And she created a pattern so you can do the same! 🙂
Here’s the knitting pattern:
Finn Fancy Gnome Hatsy knitting pattern
I know that Heather’s also working with some folks on a new line of yarn specifically dyed in geek-friendly colors, like Police Box Blue, or based off of comic book colors, etcetera, so if you knit, keep a lookout for those!
There’s definitely some special knitting that goes on in Bigfootloose. So I would LOVE for others to knit gnome hats and send me pictures of them. 🙂 Or, if you want to get crazy, you could knit a Bigfoot I suppose. But they probably don’t look as nice on your head.