WTF? How are BACKLISTED EBOOKS $9.99? Do I get an eMassage with that? Seriously.
I can understand the publishers having to raise prices for Mass Market print books due to the changing publishing, supply, distribution and market factors. But BACKLISTED EBOOKS? Yes, there’s a certain amount of work to convert books nicely into eformats. And if they were NEW books, there are costs associated to editing and formatting the book, etc. But seriously. BACKLISTS? Of cheap-fun pulp mass market paperbacks converted to EBOOKS? I love books, and support books, and am all for supporting authors, but many backlisted genre paperbacks are not great works of art I will be reading over and over, especially in eBook format, they are disposable consumable entertainment, and surely they’ve sold through by now, so really, what’s the justification for $9.99 eBooks?
All you’ve done is made me NOT buy those books now. Unless I find them in a used book store. Now, let’s see what we have available for a SANE price …
I think price pointing is still pretty wacky in the e-book world because no one is quite sure what to do. I’d certainly be tempted to pick up the Butcher backlist if it were cheap, because I could see myself rereading those, but 9.99? For that I’ll join you in hunting at the used bookstores.