Archive for June 30, 2011

Benefictions – Reading for Japan Disaster Relief

I will be performing a benefit reading tonight along with Cat Rambo, Keffy Rm Kehrli, Liz Argall, Kris Millering, Tod McCoy, Sandra Odell, Vicki Saunders, JM Sidorova, and Dallas Taylor, MC’d by Caren Gussof.

All donations, and profits from sales of chapbooks and merchandise, as well as profits from the cafe’, will all go towards Japan disaster relief.

Information (and the link to donate online) is here:

Benefictions - Reading for disaster relief



Sponsor Me or (and?) these Fairies Suffer

Crying FairyI have caught 37 fairies in a jar.  Unless you sponsor me in the Clarion West writeathon, I will place the jar in front of a television playing nothing but Jersey Housewives.  Or, if you are not a fan of fairies, then IF you sponsor me I will force the fairies to read the Myspace breakup poetry of goth tweens. Basically, the more you sponsor me, the more you control the fates of these 37 fairies.

Oops.  Make that 36 fairies.  Our kitten is way too clever at getting that lid open.

The Clarion West writeathon is a fundraiser for the Clarion West workshop, a writing “boot camp” that helps to produce future writers of quality genre fiction so that you will have something to read and watch tomorrow that doesn’t suck.

So go to my page and click on the shiny DONATE button to sponsor me as I write stuff, and feel like a real patron of the arts.


Talking to the Dead

Talking to the DeadMy nonfiction article about real world necromancy, Talking to the Dead, is up at Fantasy Magazine. It was the first time they assigned me a topic (to align with the week’s excellent fiction) rather than me just writing whatever popped into my head, but it was fun to research nonetheless.

Fantasy Magazine recently changed editorial staff and approach to align more with their sister magazine Lightspeed. Among the changes is that they assign non-fiction pieces to specific writers (rather than writers proposing and submitting items) and, I am happy to say, even offer a bit o’ pay.
I am, however, always understanding of those magazines who do not pay, especially the younger ones. The publishing business is not a highly profitable or stable one in the best of times, and I always considered my nonfiction contributions more of a show of support for the market than a reason for the market to support me. Which is not to say I don’t think nonfiction writers deserve to be paid for their time and effort as much as anyone. Writers, like publishers, are often broke and unstable. Especially unstable 😉

Click Here to read the article.
